July 10, 2010

Is It Worth It?

Hello Readers!!! I'd like to present you with a situation and ask your opinion on it. This has been something that has been pulling/hurting my heart lately.

I am a firm believer that it takes 2 to make a good and wholesome relationship, and it cant be just one sided. Lately I have been hurt by a "friend" of mine. I try my best to make an effort to talk to him, ask him about his life and how he is doing. But then I feel like he doesnt seem to care about me anymore, he just babbles on about him, not even bothering to ask me how I am doing or anything... And it bothers me that I am the one anitiating all the conversaitions. Should I really have to do that? I dont know, this may sound selfish and I dont mean it to, I just dont know what to do?

Then I look at my other friendships with wonderful guys, guys from camp (YTM), youth group and some from school too, and they dont do that to me. We all have our problems but at the same time I wonder how much more I can take.... : /

I havent talked to this guy in probly over a week because I decided not to anitiate anything anymore. For some reason its really bothering me.

What do you think? Whats your definition of friendship? Do you agree or disagree?

Thanks and God Bless,

1 comment:

Zach Johnson said...

Friendship, like any relationship is a two way street, we are amazing friends and we both care about eachother deeply. It hurts so bad when you care about another person and they wont give you the time of day, I know. But this about it this way. God loves everyone of us and wants to have a personal realationship with us, but some people do not have that with him, wheather they are Chirstian or non-Christian. Does God ever stop loving and caring about these people? No. And does he ever give up? No. On Facebook I saw lots of people saying "WWJD?" and my question for you is, "What does Jesus Do?" When he tries to reach someone's heart and they push away? Look to God for the answer. He may be trying to teach you something. Every experience in life, hardship or excitment, is a learning experience from God. Look at every situation, including this one, as a learning and growing experience with God. Also know that God knows where you are coming from too, like I said his children deny him everyday, but he NEVER gives up on there heart, and NEVER stops loving them. I love you dear, I know its hard, and people are stupid but we are all human and we mess up everyday.

