April 30, 2010

Old and New are Here To Stay In The Walz House! :)

So today this pretty thing showed up in my drive way.....

Oh yes! This is the new 2010 Ford Fusion!!! :) In utter shock of why this car was in our driveway I was told that it is my dad's new car! How awesome huh!!?

After i got done grinning from ear to ear, i found out that my favorite car- 2004 Chrysler Sebring with Sunroof!

Is now "My" Car!!! :) I am really happy and blessed! Having 3 vehicles for a very busy family, makes life sooo much easier!!! :) Whewww!! :)

God Bless,

April 29, 2010

My Biggest Supporters

Hey all!

So my mom and i had a long talk last night after i realized how much i have pulled away from my parents because i felt that they didnt approve of me because i was different. (I know there are others like me out there as well, but i do admit and know that i am different.) After tears and hugs i realized all that my parents want for me is the best. And i wasnt seeing that. So that's the short version of the story and maybe if God calls me to i will take some time to post my whole story with my childhood etc. I came across this a week ago and found it fitting.... :)

The Promise
"You, my dear, are a princess
and a stunningly beautiful creation of the King of the universe;
and He is absolutely, positively head over heels in love with you.
You have been richly adorned with spiritual beauty,
 your role in life is to radiate God's magnificent glory to others.
Your mission is to live such a pure lifestyle
that your friends can't help but be influenced by you in a really good way.
As they try to imitate you, they will begin pursuing God
and a lifestyle of sexual purity as well.
Together, you girls are going to have such fun as you celebrate God's goodness in your lives and grow in His race."
based on Psalm 45:11, 13-15

The Pledge
A princess always respects parental authority.
A princess behaves the same in her parents' absence
as she does in their presence.
A princess pursues friendships only with those both she
and her parents feel good about.
A princess doesn't abuse her telephone privileges.
A princess surfs only parent-approved Internet Web sites.
A princess wears only clothes that look appropriate on her.
A princess gets her parents' permission before inviting
someone into her home or getting into a car with someone.
A princess doesn't pursue a boyfriend or until her parents determine
that she is ready to do so.
Isa 55:11....... "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."


Hey all!!
So after posting about society and all of those things i recieved a comment. At first i wasnt sure how to take the comment, but then i realized that i need to clear somethings up.

When i say society, i DO NOT mean EVERYONE i am refering to what society says. I apolgize if i have offended anyone by making such blanket statements.

And here is the thing about my future husband. I trust God to bring us together in his timings, but i feel that what my readers need to be informed of before attacking me is that I am not dating. What is the point of dating around, putting your heart out there, just to get hurt if you do not see a future with the person? or if your relationship isnt God honoring? Relationship like this may lead into temptation? I understand that men may be "scared, or put off by the way i am when it comes to this. But i have given it to God, he honors and respects what i am doing and wants to help me along. So i dont see the issue of waiting for my prince charming when giving in and letting God take control is such a beautiful and wonderful thing?

God Bless,

April 24, 2010

Comments Everywhere!

Hey all!!! :)

I just realized that i left you guys hanging on my depressed note... im sorry!!!!

So today im finally deciding to tackle something that has been bothering me for a while now, so here we go...

So everyone knows that you can comment on someone's blog without having to put your name on it right? Well it seems as though someone comments on my blog without a name every so often, and they arent always the best comments ever.... for example....


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Anonymous said...

you should wear heals. (On the post about my snowball dress, and none of the pictures showed my feet, nor did i write that i wore HEELS.--Wierd)


Anonymous said...

maybe you scare guys away by posting so much about your future husband

There was another comment that this person had written me but i deleted it awhile ago because i didnt want to read it again. Okay so please dont get me wrong, i LOVE when i get comments!!!! Either way, positive, or negative, but at the same time i find myself stumbling over the really negative ones. I love that people read my blog! I really do, i just have to find a way to deal with the comments and critizism i recieve.

Being 16 and different from normal 16 year olds is a definate challenge, but i have seen some rewards, and hoping to see more in the future. I have a hard time dealing with things that society portrays as okay, which is basically the opposite of what the church teaches. People think im wierd, strange, crazy, dumb, and ignorant when it comes to many things, which is tough for me to deal with. I know that people dont agree with who i am and what i do because its not the "normal" or "accepted" thing to do in today's world.

Okay so here are some examples, i am hoping this gives you a picture of where i stand on topics.

Society Says: "Pre-marital sex, and multiple sexual relationships is totally okay."--- Ashley Says: "No. My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, given to me by my Lord and Savior. I respect myself as well as my future husband to hold on to and keep my purity until marriage. God made sex for the purpose of pro-creation, not to just be thrown around."

Society Says: "All teenagers go out, get drunk and do drugs, its just part of being a teenager."---- Ashley says: "First of all i am under 21 so im not drinking because its illegal, along with doing drugs. I respect my body and myself not to do such harmful things to it."

Society Says: "Girls need to flaunt their body to get boys" --- Ashley says: "No way! Modesty is the way to go! You dont need a boy oogling over your body, because if thats all he sees, thats all he is going to want. Respect yourself and dress modestly!"

Society Says: "All teenagers grind at dances, weither its clubs or high school dances." --- Ashley says: "No way again! I dont grind because i dont need to use my body to attract a boy. Doing that only provokes temptation, even if you are not having any type of sexual relations, what do you think is going through your head or the person you are grinding on's head? Lust is a sin as well"

Society Says: "All teenagers rebel, thats just a part of growing up."--- Ashley says: "I am not going to sit here and say i am the worlds best daughter because i am definately NOT! But here is the thing, even though my parents and i do argue on occasion, i still respect them and work hard to not disobey them."

Hoping that gives you a sense of who i am to an extent??? :)

So as you can see... Im Different. Thats all there is to it, but ya know... I'm ME! :) So if i can ask please pray for me to overcome the difficulty with annonomyus comments that bother me. :) Thank you all who have commented so wonderfully! I truly appreciate it! Please continue! :)

God Bless,


******By the way.... thank you to those who did comment annonomyusly but were so very encouraging and uplifiting! God Bless you!*****

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."-Jeremiah 29:11 :)

April 18, 2010

Carry Me

With God in charge I will make it through...he will carry me. Everyone has their hard times, i need to lean on him. Find some way to strengthen my faith even more..


Hey all.
To be honest i could not come up with a title for this post.... :( so here i am spilling my guts to you guys right now...

Yesterday i had lots of fun with my girls shopping and doing all that fun stuff!  I am so blessed to have such great friends! :)

Then we went to Grand March....
my heart sank... i thought that i would be able to handle all of this not going to prom, and that it wasnt going to be as bad as i thought.. but i was def wrong... 
seeing all of the happy people together I dont know what came over me but it was hard to watch. Everyone looked to great and i was soo happy for everyone there but thats when the little green monster- jealousy got into me.

I am soooo impatient and i bet you all are sick of hearing me moan and complain about this but its pretty hard. I am waiting for the future husband that God has in store for me, if thats what i am called to, if not then  I will be a nun if that is God's plan for my life. But its hard not to want and long for a relationship currently even...... ahhh i am soooo screwed up!!!!!

I cried it out with my mom last night and i thought today would be better and it semi is, but its still tugging at my heart.... goodness....

I guess its just hard for me to see certain people that i know, get everything they absolutley want.... When i cant get a simple date to Prom.....

Sorry for all the moaning and complaining, but i feel like crap and i gotta let it out... :(
God bless,


Beautiful Day in MN!!! :) ow's yor day going??? this is exactly what  I am doing!:)
God Bless!!!!!

April 17, 2010

Who Needs Prom When You Have.....

These amazing ladies!! :) YAY for girls day 2010!!! :)
God Bless,

April 16, 2010

Bring Khole HOME! :)

Hey Readers!!!!

An amazing friend of mine, her sister is adopting from China! :) After a long and amazing road to Khole they finally got the approval! :) God has totally been with them through it all as they held on to him during this journey. It is unbelieveable how everything has happend for them and they are soo excited to bring little miss Khole home soon! :) To read about Tanya & Family's story as well as their current adventures, just click on their name!
Visit http://2china4khloe.blogspot.com/ or click on the button on my side bar!!! :)

God Bless and Bring Khole Home! :)

April 15, 2010

Empty Me

Hey all!! :) New Video blog is up, sorry for not writing much video just goes faster! lol that is because i talk fast!!! lol :)
Hope you all are having a great day!!! :) I think i am going to take this time to update you guys on my life for a little bit :)

Lets see.......

-Track is going really well! :)  I love my throwers!!! :) They are awesome!! :) I am pushing 25 feet which is good because i have seen my improvement since the first day!:)
-School is alright... my brain is already shutting down and its half way through April... : / we'll see!!!! haha :) Cant believe Junior year is going to be done soon wow!
-Feelin' kinda crappy about prom... but is excited to have a girls day with DeDe and Brittany! :) Two of my best friends! :)
-Life is crazy but im lovin' it most days! :)
-Family is doing good! :)
-ITS MY FIRST WEEKEND OFF IN A MONTH! I picked up a weekend and holiday for my co worker so its been awhile!
-The "White Rose Waltz Girls" were interviewed and published in the Catholic Spirit!!! a huge thank you to the Catholic Spirit Staff and a special thank you to Dave Hrbacek!!!! :) Here is the link to the article :)  http://thecatholicspirit.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3555&Itemid=27
-Discernment is a long process, but i love my nightly time with God. I pray almost all the time during the day but just having that quiet time is wonderful!! :)
-Pope Benedict the 16th is amazing! :) Just sayin'!! :)
- I am realizing more and more how many people i am surrounded by that love and care about me. It is sooo amazing and i cannot thank you all enough!!
-Off to go write in my journal now! :) See ya!! :) Keeping my readers in my prayers!
God Bless and Take Care!,

Here is the link to the latest video blog.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU2pNRFJfRk
As well as the quoted Bible verse in the video:
Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb i knew you. Before you were born i dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you."

April 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Pope Bendict the 16th :) He needs our prayers at this time :)

God Bless,

April 12, 2010

Meditation Monday...

Welcome to the first Meditation Monday!!! :) I am hoping to do more of these but please bear with me!! :) I had made the CUTEST logo for Meditation Monday---but i couldnt save it as a picture hence its not on here :( 

What is Meditation Monday?????
On mondays i am hoping to post quote, news articles, lyrics, verses, passages etc on here. The purpose of that is to meditate and focus in on how these effect your life and how they relate/help you. Please continue this on if you would like! :) Please let me know what you think as well! :)

Getting Started...........

Do you see this????
Its one of the best things ever! :)

And do you want to see how loved it is??!? :)

BAM!! :)

So seeing that you would think that i would have an easy time coming up with our first meditation monday???? WRONG!!! Sooo.... Holy spirit please guide me to a passage...................

Okay Holy Spirit Picked....
Acts 10:34-38

"Then Peter proceedd to speak and said, "In truth I see that God shows no partiality. Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him. You know the word that he sent to the Israelites as he proclaimed peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. What has happened all over Judea, beginning i Galilee after the baptism that John preached, how God annointed Jesus Of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power. He went about doing good and heling all those oppressed by the devil."

Sooo... meditate and pray about this verse....:) what comes to mind???

God Bless,

My First Video Blog!


Trying something new!! :) Please let me know what you think!!! :)
God Bless,

April 11, 2010

Practice What You Preach

Hey All!!! :)

SO here I am!! I am really to stay on top of this blogging thing haha :) life is crazy but yet i want to share it with all of you on my blog. Sometimes that is hard to do because i dont know what to write, or to say, or if people ACTUALLY read this ya know?? I want to do something important with my life, make a difference, but right now i am focusing on realizing that GOD has a PLAN FOR MY LIFE! Which is such an amazing thing, but for me being impatient and waiting for his plan dont work out too well all the time. I am really working hard to be more open to Him, and being patient! Right now living in a GO GO GO society it is really hard to take the time and be patient and just listen, but that is what all of us need to do! Especially myself!!! :) I graduate in a little over a year and truth be told it scares me sooo much.... so as of these past few days i am starting to try harder and harder each day to open up to God's will and hear him when i pray, letting him lead me. I know this last year at home is not going to be easy for me, my family and friends, but God so has a plan for all of us. I have noticed that i tell other people that it is all in God's plan, but i need to realize that i need to focus on what i am saying to others and live it out more devoutly in my own life.

I am and always have been a HUGE people pleaser! Im not gonna doubt that, im just gonna flat out say it because its the truth. Everything i do i always need to feel the acceptance, or approval of other people. And im getting sooooo sick of being like that! Its something that i have always done, but want to change so bad! So thats my other prayer, to stop caring about what other people think and be ME! And i know i have said that before, but right now at the point i am in my life, it is a big time for lots of discernment. Lead me to where you want me to be-with college-careers-future vocations, lead me Lord. So here i am Lord, your faithful follower, lead me.

Realizing that this society and world we live in today is all about ME ME ME. Is what is portrayed, which should not be the case. I am really hurt by the sterotyping of teenagers and young adults in this world today, all people think is that we get drunk, do drugs, party too much, text constantly, are rude, sleep around and only think about themselves. I pray that people will realize that there are teenagers and young adults who do not care solely about themselves. I am meeting other teenagers and young adults in this world who really want to make a difference, who are in to their faith and who will eventually--God willing-- go on to change our world, by being disciples of our Lord.

So now since i bared my soul to you about my HUGE discernment(s), i challenge you this week to realize the big things in your life that you have to or have decided to discern and how that is effecting you. I have learned that discernment is a long process, be faithful and realize that God has a plan for you, but in his time only! Believe me! I am still learning that one!!! :) What challenges your faith when you dont get answers right away? What do you feel the need to discern? What are your Road blocks in discernment? Take a significant amount of time with God in silence, and reflect on these questions, because He knows whats right for you, and all he wants to do is talk with you.

Im going to be working on practicing what i preach here, so stay tuned for an update--in God's time that is ;)

Open your hearts to hear him, its the best thing you can ever do.

God Bless you all!,



"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."-Jeremiah 29:11 :)

April 4, 2010

She's My Easter "Lilly"

Lilly Rae Of Hope- Almost 3 years Old- Our Angel

April 3, 2010

I know Im NOT a Mom but...

But this message rings true...
God Bless & He is Risen,

April 2, 2010

When I am Thirty Essay

Hey All!! :)
This is an essay that i had to write for my careers class! :) Thought maybe you all would enjoy reading it! :)
God Bless,

Hour: 3 Careers Ashley Walz

Assignment #8 3/36/10

“When I’m 30 Essay #8”

Thinking about where I want to be when I am thirty is very interesting. I try not to look much into the future since I have no idea what God’s plan for my life is, so why worry? There are lots of things that I would like to happen by the time I am thirty, so in this paper I will give you an idea of what I would like to happen in my life by the age of thirty.

I am hoping to graduate with a four year, bachelor’s degree in either Catholic studies, or theology with a focus in youth ministry or a religious education director. I hope to find an amazing Catholic parish to work at and help youth and teens grow closer to Christ and their Catholic Faith. I know that these jobs pay less, but at the same time you have to do something you love to do! I hope to mentor youth, teens and their families in any way possible, do various activities and guide them in the right direction. I think that doing this hopefully by the time I am thirty would be very beneficial to me and my youth.

By the time I am thirty or earlier I would love to be married! But like I have stated before God has a plan for my life along with my future husband’s life as well, and in His timing things will happen. If God wills it, I would hope to be happily married to my prince charming by the time I am thirty or even younger, as well as starting a family. As the Catholic Church teaches Natural Family Planning, it is what my future husband and I will use to bring children into this world. In God’s time he will bring our little blessings into our lives! I would love to have LOTS of children, but it’s up to God and his plan not mine.

By the time I am thirty I would really love to study in Rome, get married, have children, graduate from college, get a job, find a home parish and possibly get a house. I feel that I can accomplish these things in my life if that’s what God wants for me. I feel that I can accomplish these things through hard work, dedication, persistence, prayer, and humility.

All in all, the road map of my life is completely blank, just waiting for God to draw the path. I know that things will happen in his time and when he will’s it and I trust him. I rely on him to help me through the good and the bad because he knows the truth. I hope that God sees me ready to pursue these things by the age of thirty, only if that’s where he sends me.

April 1, 2010


"Cinderella By Steven Curtis Chapman"

"She spins and she sways

To whatever song plays

Without a care in the world

And I'm sitting here wearing

The weight of the world on my shoulders

It's been a long day

And there's still work to do

She's pulling at me

Saying "Dad, I need you

There's a ball at the castle

And I've been invited

And I need to practice my dancing

Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh, I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone...

She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed

She wants to know if I approve of the dress

She says, "Dad, the prom is just one week away

And I need to practice my dancing

Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh, I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone

She will be gone

Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand

Just glowing and telling us all they had planned

She says, "Dad, the wedding's still six months away

But I need to practice my dancing

Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh, I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone"

God Bless,