February 9, 2010

Amazing Women :)


Go to the link above and read it! :) You can also search for it on youtube. )

Ok so i saw the commercial for this Oprah episode and thought it looked interesting. And then right after school i got a text from my youth minister Kym telling me about it and how i should watch it, so that renfourced my decision to watch it. Now Kym and i are not super fond of Oprah but at the same time enjoyed seeing the AMAZING sisters from Michigan on the Oprah show :)

These women left me speechless with many different things that i witnessed while watching the show. These women are wonderful and i respect them and look up to them for answering the Lord's call to this wonderful vocation of being a sister. These women live a life of "poverty", now i know when people hear the word poverty the have one sterotypical vision of poverty but this poverty is different. Women CHOOSE to live out this life for Christ, because thats what he asks of the sisters. How amazing is that?! They CHOOSE it!

Throughout the show the elaborated on the fact of how materiallistic our world is today and how that differs from the simplistic life that they live and how much relief comes from that. These women completly inspire me :)

The times of silence, prayer, reflection, mass, and even the games and fun things they do. It is completly opposite of the sterotypical view of convents or nuns that people have. They are just like us, to an extent that is, i mean they have fun and do all of the activities that we would do such as playing games or sports. :)

Its really hard to put all that i got out of this show into words, so if you can please read the written version and youtube the show to watch it as well :) believe me its worth it! :)

God Bless,

1 comment:

Anna Moraczewski said...

I saw part of the episode of Oprah and agree, those nuns are amazing women. So many of the nuns at the monestaries I've been to, (I've only been to three..) are elderly and it was so cool to see some of our generation actively devoting their lives to God!