August 5, 2009

Please Pray...

Tomorrow Judith, our foregin exchange student from Germany will be arriving. Please start praying for her. Since there is a 7 hour time difference she has to leave her house in a couple of hours to head to her 10am flight.

I am really excited about having her here, and it going to be lots of fun!
I just really hope we get a long well, we have been talking for months but its different finally meeting her :) I really cant wait! :)
I made a poster that says "welcome to Minnesota" and has the German flag on it lol :)

Today i also made a quick Walmart run, and bought one of those picture frames that holds multiple pictures. Then printed off a picture of her parents, my parents, our whole family (the 5 of us), and Lilly. And i put it in her room, she has no idea but will see it once we get home from the airport. :)

Im really wondering what its going to feel like tomorrow. I mean im really excited and its going to be great but this is a first for me thats for sure. I'm pretty sure i might cry, not going to lie!

So please keep her and her family in your prayers, God will watch over them :)

And dont worry pictures to come after tomorrow, im going to try and catch every moment i can on camera (i have to use my moms because mine is broken but thats ok at least i have one) ex. Judith getting off the plane, seeing us, first meeting, etc :) hope my photographer skills kick in!

God Bless!,

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