December 7, 2009

High School

Hey all! :)

On my poll on the left side of this box you guys voted! :) Thanks so much please keep it up! :) Record amounts of voting! :)  So by only 2 points the topic.....High School, won.

So here we go!

Ok so I can be the first one to tell you that high school has its perks and its definate downfalls.  So to give you a clearer picture on my values, I am going to list the perks and the downfalls of high school for me right here for you....

-Meeting new people
-Great role models (Teachers)
-New knowledge
-Spirit days

-Cliques(Not too many but they are still there)
-Non Acceptance

So you can clearly see the difference of the two lists huh?!

A common misconception that is put out there is that "high school is the best time of your life!"-----totally incorrect! It definately has not been the best time of my life. And dont get me wrong, I dont HATE high school. I love having the time with my friends and spending time with them etc I LOVE THAT! Its just the fact that I feel that people define their lives by high school. And if you do that, your not going to go any where!

I know im totally preaching to the choir right here!

Ok moving away from that part of it and into something else about High School.

As a high school student we are SUPER STRESSED! Its insane!  I really treasure the nights that I can relax, when that rarely happens. We all have so much going on that I feel that we hardly have any time for the important things in life to be completely honest.

Ok guys im gonna be completely honest right here.... this is SOOO tough for me to write! I have no idea what to say, and how to express my opinions! Ahhh im going to try again with this statement and then leave it at that.....

High school has its good and its bad. For me I do not feel accepted by many people. Thats what High school seems to be about is fitting in or making fun of those who dont. This is why high school is so tough for me to write about.

Honest? YES.

Please comment! Feedback would be great! :) 
I will put up a new poll as well about what you would like to hear about next. Please vote, you can vote multiple times :)

God Bless,

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Heyy Ash--

I know it's been a long time since I've actually been in public school but if you'll take some advice from a fellow teen, here it is: Fitting in, making the honor role, who is dating whom, and what's all the rage now will NOT even be remembered in 5 years. What WILL be remembered is if you were nice to people, if you had a caring heart, and just your general attitude!
As the big man himself said: "...this too shall pass."
;) Hang in there girlfriend, college gets a whole lot better!