July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday

-I did not speed up to make a light when my dad told me to in the car
-I did not talk to my dads new blackberry when trying to set it up for him
-I did not throw the ball for lilly accidentally at the banister, and it did not bounce back and almost hit me
-I did not spend an hour and a half finishing up letters for NCYC and finding adresses
Haha :) what a wonderful day! :)

Loving Lord~
Thank you so much for every day you give me. Please help me to not feel so down on days, its tough to feel that way and if its for a reason that i am feeling this way please show me. Please watch over the letters that i am sending out for NCYC, please bless the people recieving them and for them to open their ears to the lords word. Please watch over all of my YTM family and keep them safe. Please help things to be better with my mom, im not sure whats wrong, but we are on edge with each other and i just want it to stop. Please hear my pleas and come to my rescue when i need you so much. Thank you for all you do for me and my family and friends :) Please watch over Judith, for a safe ride here :)
Amen! :) <3

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