June 5, 2010


Hey All! So sorry for the lack of posting, school is finally out and i have some time to relax... lol who am I kidding?!?!?
I need to get something off my chest so please bare with me through this....

Lately I have been bogged down with comments/insults/asumptions/and judgements from people around me at school and in life. People who do not look past what is visible to the eye, people who feel that they should make rude comments about others, and most importantly people who have no idea what they are talking about but still decide to make comments. Dealing with all of this on a daily basis is SO hard, and no easy to look past.

Since my boyfriend and i have started dating, people feel the need to be rude. Flat out, rude, mostly to him. Knowing this it hurts me beacuse I dont want him to have to deal with that because of me, its truly horrible. People have approached him saying:
"Your dating her? Isnt she fat and ugly?"-NO LIE
"Well he is just takin' one for the team, so none of us would have to date someone like her"
"Your dating WHO!?"
*I could continue but in all honest i dont want to*

Hearing those things hurts me, and infuriates my boyfriend.

As for me, I dont want him to have to deal with that because of me, who I am, what I look like etc. I feel that he shouldnt have to deal with all of that crap, because he is dating me. It really hurts me inside to hear these things, but it almost hurts worse for me to know that he has to deal with it, almost daily.

Readers, you know how insecure I am about myself, and yes its embarrassing to admit that, but I am going to be honest. I feel like I can never be good enough, look pretty enough, be thin enough, be smart enough, and the list goes on.

But my main point of this post is to tell you that....this whole situation bothers me to no end!  I DO NOT understand why people feel the need to judge others, I DO NOT understand why people feel the need to be so incredibly hurtful, and I DO NOT understand why people feel the need to impose and try and alter other people's happiness. Its like with anything you do in life people are always going to stick their noses where they dont belong... But here's a NEWSFLASH!
*I AM HAPPY with Billy!
*Our Relationship is built upon Church, Respect, Understanding and God
*We know the TRUTH.

And still no matter how much i try to not let this whole situation bother me it still does....but right now is where I lean on God, and HIS TRUTH. His Will for my/our life(ves) is still unknown, but it is great! Please pray that I can find strength in this situation and stop being so... ANNOYED!
God Bless,


Anonymous said...

I randomly came upon your blog. Please don't let others get you down. It's amazing how hurtful other people can be. Keep your head up. I know that is hard in midst of all those cruel words. Associate who keep your confidence up and hopefully those who put you down can see the confidence you exhibit and stop trying to bring you down. I'm sorry you have to go through this. People do mature...it just takes some time for some.

Anonymous said...

People are always going to be that way, and there's nothing you can do but ignore it and continue on with your life. If there's one thing we all learn, it's that there are people that are sometimes just downright mean. Yeah, it hurts to hear those things, but don't let other people rule your life, because they will drive you straight into the ground and keep you there; guaranteed. So hold your head high, smile, and don't let other people know they hurt you. After all, acting like it doesn't bother you is the best revenge.