November 29, 2009

Future Plans..Oh no...Help!

Wow, do you know how much pressure teenagers are under in this world today?!? Way way too much!
Although we are faced with many things daily, one of the major things that i believe is so tough is our future.

Daily we are bombarded with homework, studying, lectures, speeches, presentations, and teachers preaching to us about college and what are we gonna do with our future??

And sometimes I want to scream at them and say WHAT HAPPENS IF WE DONT KNOW FOR SURE!?!?!

We are under so much pressure to do so many things, and to accomplish so much that multiple times during the year I break down, cry, am beyond sressed and basically loose it!

Ok, now saying that I think about what Im going to do with my life??
Oh no...

For me right now I really want to go into ministry of some sort. More than likely youth ministry, or something with being involved with the church and in that community. I would so LOVE to do that! :) But then the doubts come into my mind...
-What if i cant get into college?
-What if its too much?
-What if I cant understand it?
-What if I loose all my money?
-How am I going to get a job?
-How am I going to live?

And honestly the list could go on and on. And when i look at colleges thats the list that is going through my head and man, it scares me to death.

On a daily basis i work my butt off to do as well as I possibly can in school to get into college, and it is so tough. So much to do in such a short period of time it seems. Its pretty sad.

So right now I now what I want to do in the future, and I know that I really want to attend St. Thomas. But all the details that come with that are no where close to being comprehended by me.. So much to think about, so many concerns and sooooo many fears. Some days I really dont know what to do. I just want to succeed and live life to the fullest and do what I love and what God wants me to do.

GOD is not very forth-coming about what he wants to have me do with my life! :) *Yeah Mr. Up there! :) A little guidance PLEASE!?!**

So im going to pray daily that God directs me into what he wants me to do with my life. For him to show me his way. Because after reading at the top what I had to say about my future plans you can definately tell that I dont have much of a clue..

Its in God's hands.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6

Please help me to listen to you and your will for my life. Please Guide me, lead me and push me to do what my purpose is in life.



DeDe said...

I am just as clueless as you are! I mean I want to devote my very heart and soul to music and acting but COME ON, no one gets anywhere! hahah we all have doubts but we will get there somehow! :)

Becca said...

Oh, I remember being in high school and trying to figure out my future. It was hard, no doubt! Here I am 8 years later, finally done with college and have a career. Boy! Does time sure go fast! What amazes me as I reflect on my junior and senior year of high school and the important decisions I had to make is it ALWAYS worked out! Some how, some way I was always provided for financially, got my college education, met incredible people, and the list could go on... Continue to seek out God's will for your post high school years, but remember that it always works out!

A New Mom's Look said...

hey you!

One tidbit of advice I can pass on to you that I received from my mentor back my senior yr in high school while I weighed my options was this, "Kym(ok instead insert your name), listen, God has a plan for you. Don't worry about the costs of school, He takes care of it. Yes, you might be in student loans until you die, but the greatest gifts you can receive are not the monetary kinds but the spiritual gifts you will gain from the ministry you are called to." It's ok if you don't know yet, you don't have it. I love my ministry, but I still wake up saying "OK God, this is for You, but I am willing to follow You anyway." Thankfully, I have a husband who is right by my side and we are willing to walk anyway for Christ.... you don't have to know it all right now. Just know if you will follow, those are the hardest steps...

Kami said...

Sweetie you are putting way too much thought and worry into this! Yes, college is absolutely an important decision to make, but yet you also need to know that it's not unattainable. You will make it into college, you will get student loans, you will find a side job and you will work yourself until you're exhausted! The beauty of it, though, is that God will hold your hand the entire way through. Take it all one step at a time. Don't worry about ALL the decisions you have to make - just focus on one for now (like which college to attend). Once you've got those decisions made, move forward slowly but surely and God will direct your path!

Also, just a side note, when you are in college, make sure to work your butt off to stay on top of your homework and your grades. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the hard work you dedicate to your homework now is only a mere portion of what you will be given in college. It's exhausting, but completely rewarding!

Love you sweetie ...

Jessie said...

Yup, been there! Sometimes when I cry to God for help, he seems a million miles away. But he's really not. He might be saying "not right now" or "now isn't the time". He knows what's best for us and all we have to do is trust Him. :)

And all those questions you have about the future? Don't let worry and anxiety bring you down; that's a way for the Devil to really get ahold of our lives. Just give those questions a good kick in the rear end and grab on tight to God's outstreched hand cause honey, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. ;)