Hey all! :) Im back! :) I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving, and hopefully a not too crazy black friday! :)
Tonight I decided to discuss the topic of "The Dignity Of Women". While you read this please keep in mind that this is my opinion, I do not mean to put anyone down by this post. Thanks for understanding! :)
Well I hope you all can see by my posts that I do value myself, along with respecting myself. As well as I do respect, hope and pray for an improvement of the dignity of women in this society we live in today.
I feel as if though women in today's society are lead to believe that they have to fit so many "criteria" to be "accepted" or "Good Enough" Which I find appauling! Also the fact that society seems to look as women as objects. Basically sexualizing, exploiting, and de-feminizing them. In most of the movies that have been released recently what do you see? Sex, fighting, possibly drugs, cursing, women in outfits that DO NOT fully cover their body or attract a man for the WRONG REASONS!
It seems that lots of women feel that they need to dress provacativly, "sexy", seductive, exploitative, and so much more just to get a man's attention. To get that love, to get that attention, but honestly is that what you want to be known for?? Do you want that random guy to talk to his friend about you and say they ask him "well what is she like??" and he says "she is the really hott blonde, with the short short skirt and really low cut shirt. You know what im saying bro?!" *Insert High five*
HONESTLY!?!? Is that what you want a guy to remember about you is how you dressed?
There are so many things that a girl should be remembered by. Not just her body! (Honestly at the very least her body!) There is sooo much more to a woman than just her body, and thats what a lot of people dont understand. And its partially because of the way society portrays women.
I believe that women are so much more than we are shown or lead to believe about ourselves.
As you can tell I have a passion for empowering women, I truly believe its a gift from God. He helps me to help the ones who need it. And so many people come to me with issues and I feel God telling me what to say. I just feel so strongly about this topic and im sorry if this is rambling on, but it just blows my mind what people consider "ok" or how they see women. Its sooo sad!
So what can we do to help?!?
-Dress Modestly (Or encourage other women to!) And I know when some of you think Modesty you think dumpy and not stylish. UNTRUE! :) There are so many cute outfits that are completely modest.
-Value yourself and other women!
-Dont encourage movies, tv shows, magazines etc that dimean women.
-Dont support things that dimean women.
and so many more things! :)
Guys, this can be changed! :) But we all need to work together to make this issue, no exsistent any longer! :) Start today! :)
Your father up in heaven, and his son value you soo much, why shouldnt the world value you that much?! You are the daughter of a king, show it with grace and modesty. :)
You are so loved! Please dont ever think that you have to do all of those things just because thats what people "accept". Because you are so much better than that!
"God gave each man a job..... The dignity of a woman"-- Pope John Paul II
*Sorry if this rambled on! :( Let me know what you think!*
Love, and Prayers,
Wahoo! AMEN Sistah! When a person dresses immodestly, the guys that like that stuff are the guys they're going to attract. Spread the word! ;)
Oh PS I forgot. Here's a GREAT site for modest dressing tips/ideas.
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