December 5, 2010


Hey All!

So this weekend I had lots of time for silence.....for me that can be either a good or a bad thing. This time it wasnt all that good at all. Let me back track....

Soooo you all know how I publicly stated on this blog that i needed to set up my first counseling appt right? Well we FINALLY did. The counselor at my church was leaving and a new girl was coming in so there was a little adjustment period. So during this silent time this weekend all i could think about was having to spill my guts, to a counselor, which means reliving all that happened in those really bad months. Lovely right? No. In my heart I know that going to counseling is going to be good for me, especially to have a Christian/Catholic counselor, but my mind just wants to ignore it all and push it deeper and further away like it didnt happen. So I am pleading with God to help me get through this....
Will you please pray for me?? My apointment is on Tuesday of this week...
Thank you so much and May God Bless You :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

girly im soo sorry! i love you and im praying for you as always! know you can call/text me whenever you need to!

love you!
