July 5, 2010

What Happens At YTM?

You meet Amazing young women, who comfort you when you cry, give you advice, pray for you, and love you unconditionally.
You make a lasting friendship. She becomes one of your best friends, your roomate, your prayer buddy, text message-a-holic and so much more!
You goof off all the time!
You aspire to "Be The Church" of Jesus, and Sing it at the TOP OF YOUR LUNGS! :)
You meet people who make you think ;) haha
You hug....LOTS!
You Choose to make your Faith your own.
You pose for pictures even if your face is stained with tears.
You cant help but smile!
You find the courage to sing to your Savior, on stage by yourself.
You meet this young lady, who WILL touch and Change people's lives, for the better :)
You lead morning prayer the day after you get there, and you love it!
You have so many inside jokes, quotes and funny things that were done, too many to include all on this picture!

And this is only pieces of what happens :)
2 weeks+St. Johns University+Theology+Amazing People+Prayer+Service+Friendships=
Priceless :)

God Bless,

1 comment:

Kami said...

You are so beautiful, inside and out :)