March 2, 2010

Swimming With Scapulars

Hey all!! :)

So due to the strong encouragement of my Youth minister i picked up this book from our Church Library. And let me tell you im half way through and I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! :)

Swimming with Scapulars is a great book about a Young Man's Catholic Journey, not only with the indulgences of wearing a scapular, but just his life in general and how he lives out being Catholic. Through the struggles, and triumphs! Thats about as short of a synopsis i can give right now! haha :) I am really loving this book.

Throughout reading this i have been praying about if God wants me to wear a scapular or not. Through praying i know that he wants me to, but i am still in the process of praying for him to show me which one he wants me to wear. There a few different ones but they all have such great meaning! :)
A scapular is:
( Definition! haha) Two small pieces of woolen cloth, joined by strings passing over the shoulders, worn under the ordinary clothing as a badge of affiliation with a religious order, a token of devotion, etc.

Here are some pictures! :)

Each Scapular has a different "meaning". For example my Youth minister Kym wears the green scapular--which is for the Conversion of Hearts, which she prays for while wearing etc.    The blue scapular is the immaculate conception.
So right now i am asking that you please pray for me as i discern what God is wanting me to wear to fufill his mission for me here on earth.

Thanks and God Bless!

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