February 23, 2010

Bold Blogging

Hey All!! :)

Recently i have been struggling with many different things when it comes to who i am and what i stand for. And let me tell you it hasnt been easy at all. For those of you who know me you will already know these things but for visitiors i am just going to try and give you an overview of who i am/try to be.

I am a 16 year old who is way above her age. It is easier for me to converse with Adults over my peers. I am super Catholic, and really love it! I try to do everything and anything i possibly can--but this most likely leads me to super anxiety. I am one of those people who totally sweats the small things and wear my heart on my sleeve. I beat myself up over every mistake i make. I am a people pleaser and i strongly dislike when people are mad at me or dont like me. I have come to terms with the fact that i can be a perfectionist--I AM ONE! haha. I definatley have many flaws and things that i need to work on.
Wow..looking at that list makes me shudder a little bit haha :)
Throughout my life i have been critizcised for what i look like, what i do, and just plainly how i am. When i was younger i used to think that i was the super wierd kid that no one would ever like, just based off of the things said to me. I used to hide behind a mask, not wanting to let people see who i truly am, because in their eyes i wasnt "normal".

Since my Sophomore year things changed. AMAZING people have walked into my life, and friendships have been made stronger. Things got difficult yes, but the thing is i didnt feel i had to hide anymore. I dove deeper into friendships, relationships and my faith making me a much stronger person all in all. I realized how much i am loved and cared for, just the way i am.

I realized that I am who I am, I am who GOD made me to be and why should i change, i mean im FANTASTIC in his eyes :)

But in the past few weeks i have been feeling that mask start to slide down my face again and again. I am feeling almost ashamed of who i am and what i believe because its is definately not the "norm". When i post blogs i have been afraid of who i am going to offend, hurt or make laugh at me because of what i write on here. And after i sat in my room and prayed last night, i know that this mask that is coming back needs to be thrown in the trash ASAP!

So from now on..... I am BLOGGING BOLDLY! That means no more sugar-coating whats going on in my life, no changing so people will like me more, and most importantly i am staying true to who I am and what i believe.

Definition Of Boldly-

not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.

not hesitating to break the rules of propriety 

So right now i stand before you, from now on ready to bare all for who i am.

God Bless,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is wonderful! i dont think anyone should be ashamed of who they are because God made us that way and we should honor ourselves, his creation. When you worry if people are critical of you or making fun of you just remember that for every person that does, there are 20 others that thyink you are beautiful, smart, bold, fascinating and wonderful. i think what your doing with this blog is a wonderful thing. Keep it up and keep looking to God. for he loves always and forever!