September 22, 2010

Senior Year Photos :)

Hey all! :) Here are some senior year photos! :) Just a few for ya all!
God Bless,

September 20, 2010

Where The Healing Begins

Hey all! Sorry for the leave of absence from blogging, life has been crazy busy, but so great recently!
I have been meaning to post this for a long long time but I have been having a hard time coming to terms with everything that has happened, and I am still stunned by it all. But i feel the need to type all of this out and share it with others to help others through my experience.

Over the summer I had met a guy who was 3+ years older than me. We became really close friends, texting everyday for long periods of time, talking on the phone and visiting each other. It seemed as though i was being a good friend to him, listening to his problems, the same ones day after day after day, and just letting him dump everything on me. He said he was always there for me and when i tried to talk to him about things it seemed like he really was only focused on his issues and not really caring about me. We had multiple "discussions"/arguments about these things multiple times and he would promise to change trying to make things better between us, care about me, that kind of stuff. But it was like a cycle, they never got better.

We seemed to always be arguing, and I always seemed to be frusturated with him. I cried lots and my depression got worse and worse.

The major event... that i will never forget. Is when he had changed plans with me, after i had rearranged my schedule for him AGAIN, for another girl that he was romantically interested in. I finally just gave up and told him to do what he wanted, I didnt care anymore. He called me right before i was supposed to go into work, asking if he should stop by because he was driving through my town on 94, and i told him i had to work. He responded with "Is that a No?", and i said what do you think!?! He proceeded to fly off the handle at me, cussing me out over the phone and yelling at me about how he cannot make anyone happy etc. I just sat there on the other end of the phone line sobbing, and then the call ended. I immediately called one of my best friends in tears and explained to her what had happened. She told me how wrong it was and how it wasnt okay and felt horrible for me. He beeped in on that phone conversation, so I answered it and he proceeded to "apologize" telling me how he loved me and he shouldnt of said that and yelled. I just sat on the phone line, shaking, crying and trying to listen to him. He said he was going to stop by on his way back from seeing the other girl.
He showed up at 11:15 pm at my house, while both my parents are sleeping.  Not okay, we talked out on my porch and things seemed okay, but i felt the need to pull away in this situation and the friendship.

After multiple times that I talked with my friends they would tell me how bad this was for me and all of that. So i finally emailed him because i couldnt face him, and cutting him off and being done with the friendship. He proceeded to call and text me, sobbing in his voicemails, telling me he loved me and all of this stuff.

My youth minister was concerned about me and she asked to meet up for Caribou. Through the whole story telling her all of it, i was shaking and fighting tears. She proceeded to tell me how emotionally and verbally abusive this is, along with manipulative.

We ended up having to go to meaures to get him to stop contacting me. It was a long and painful process.... I was so manipulated that through the whole thing i was worried about hurting him....

There is more to the story, details that i could not include for privacy reasons, but it goes deeper.
I want to be able to help others with my situation, but right now im still broken.... :'( I panic at any man that resembles him, or a car that looks like his.

I will be starting counseling soon to get over this situation.

Thats my story.... :(
God Bless,

September 4, 2010

Class Of 2011

Hey All!! :)

So I have had things to blog about in the recent days, but its either finding the time or the creativity to write to make this appealing to you guys!! haha :)

I am 3 days away from my FINAL year of High School... Crazy I know right?!?! It feels like just yesterday that i was a little freshman, freaked out by the high school. And now i am ready to completely live it up and enjoy every min of my Senior year.

It is completely insane for me to look back on how I have grown in the past 4 years! I remember starting my freshman year and I was so nervous, completely freaked out, insecure, & God was definately not a major part of my life. I knew He was there, but that wasnt my life at all.

I am honestly proud of who I have become and glad that I have changed for the better. My life in previous years was focused around things that were not for the greater good, not good for me, my friends or my family. I am sooo grateful for wonderful people that have stuck by me and surrounded me in my life. They have truly made a difference in my life and I am so blessed! God has completely changed my focus onto Him and how to live out my calling. And even though I go through dry spots with Him, He is always there.

On Tuesday, the class of 2011 will be starting their Senior year, and I cannot wait to see what is ahead for all of us! :)

God Bless,